Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We get around...

What a nice visit with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Carl. Such sweet amazing people. Mia and Joseph had all of our heads spinning. He flying his helicopter and her crawling around to check things out. Thank you for the wonderful dinner and visit. We love you both.And look who's getting ready to walk...won't be long before I'm chasing two around the house.


  1. Awe, I love this post...one of my favorites! Grandma told me all about you guys coming over for eat with them. They enjoy company so much. I could tell she was excited about having guest and little ones to love on. Oh how I wish I lived closer. Thanks for being a help and a friend to two of the most important people in my life! Hugs to you :)

  2. It was a pleasure. We had a nice visit and I loved watching Joseph tell Grandpa Carl one of his "stories" about helicopters, and Grandma Mary loving on the kids whenever they were within reach (especially Mia:).
    Hugs to you and yours:)
